The fourth edition of the International Painting Biennial, Chisinau-2015, an event organized under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova, is open again to delight the public with a large range of aesthetic approaches and visual expression means. The undeniable artistic frame of this very important manifestation ensured by the presence of notable artists from 26 countries will place Chisinau among interest hubs of visual cultural manifestations. Due to the efforts of the organizers, the Biennial’s edition of this year, as well as the previous ones, distinguishes itself through the artistic attitude in terms of quality, aesthetic issues, as well as the expansion of the international cultural-artistic context.
The exhibition displayed at the “Constantin Brancusi” Exhibition Center highlights the contemporary artistic evolution in the field of fine arts from the last years, combining the modern concepts with the traditional ones and incenting the development of painting in its whole diversity. The works presented arouse a distinct visual interest due to the selected artistic means and freedom of expression. The promotion and development of all the forms of exteriorization of the beauty, of the aesthetics, become important as long as every person finds that side of the culture that brings him closer to the idea of the progress through knowledge.